This is an excellent article... especially when you consider that it basically says that evolution favours food over sex and that sex might only have evolved for the sake of food... so does that mean that obese people circumnavigate the whole unattractiveness thing by being beyond sex?
and although I am with Rachel (number 10) on this ie... symbiosis is the most important development as without it none of the other things would or possibly could have taken place but what I want to know is... is when is Sleep gonna be included because as far as I am concerned fuck fucking (insert reproduction here if you are of a way inclined to do so) and (to a lesser extent) fuck food; sleep is my favorite and thusly (one would imagine) my greatest (as in it gets my vote - not as in I invented it) invention of ALL TIME...
(sorry to the readers wifes (that IS how THEY spell it) for any infringement of copyright on the of all time...
after this the article almost becomes obsolete...
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