Saturday, September 17, 2005

Nelly the elephant packed her trunk...

And buggered off to bloody America and never came back!

Supersize me

maybe they just need bigger animals to feed bigger Americans?

Food Chain

and on a loosely themed animal post do the pig personality test...

Do a Pig

Go on... I didn't and I really enjoyed it.


Ok crybaby you made me feel guilty enough to draw a pig... it's rubbish but I did it anyways:

My crap drawing.


Whoozee said...

I' confused as to your use of profanity...

Whoozee said...

show us yer pig...

New euphamism possibly?

Whoozee said...

I drew a bad one but checl out my results
remember dates?
believe in tradition?


I'm not even mentioning my tail...

Whoozee said...

oh I meant to link to the results with my last post:

Whoozee said...

Is this yours baby?

Whoozee said...

And if so what is going on with your analysis?

as I read it they are all open...

is that right?