Tuesday, February 13, 2007

My current playlist

The return of the world's most unreliable blogger...

Yes yes yes, it has been a while, let's just say I like to polish a gem before I put it on show, anyone who says otherwise may very well be right but I bloody well can't hear you... la-la-la.

What I can hear however are some bloody good stonking choonz...

I'm not sure how many of you have yet discovered the beautiful Maccabees, their song first love is just brilliant (thanks to Shots Ring Out for that clip)... but, a while ago when I first came across them, their myspace page told the story of how they knew Jesus had plans for them... as much as I liked the song, alarm bells were definitely ringing. I left it though, told people about the song and omitted the god-bothering stance they had, thankfully most people don't even understand that Maccabees itself is a biblical reference. However (as anyone who followed the link to their page will now know) the story of Jesus bringing them all together has since vanished ... speaks volumes. Good tunes and looks aside... I'm watchin yous.

Just by sheer coincidence here are some more good-looking boys (I was a cub scout) with good tunes... that picture does them no justice... you have to watch the rather cute, cheap and simple vid that accompanies their excellent single 'Pink Squares'.

This next lot (Cold war kids) don't sit well on the pretty pile but they do make a pretty fantastic noise more here, Hospital Beds is one of my faves.

The Draytones hmmm... I have no idea what they look like but check out 'keep loving me' that is one kick-arse tune, fucken love it.

It's not over yet covered by the Klaxons... Fucken love the Klaxons... saw them live and it was bizarre; new rave indeed. I nearly died when they played this song, brilliant, and one of the supports were the ever fabulous Metronomy.

Tokyo Police Club have just recently appeared on my radar; I heard the song 'cheer it on' on the ever-excellent (and coolest surname ever) Steve Lamacq show which was also where I heard the new Malcolm Middleton song ' A Brighter Beat' which is just one of the best tunes I have heard in like forever... my only criticism? It's well too short.

Is it just me or does anyone else find this video hilarious? Don't get me wrong it's a nice song... but the end of the video just cracks me up everytime I watch it. Similar on the funny with this story...

After the funny comes the sad.

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